What Can Conference Rooms Be Used For?

conference room uses

At West Yorkshire Manufacturing Services, we have 10 unique rooms for hire, including 6 large conference rooms – the largest of which can fit 110 people.

But what could you use these rooms for? Simply put, pretty much anything.

Hiring a conference room gives you access to everything you need without the regular upkeep (and bills) of having your own space. 

Some popular uses of conference rooms are:

  • Board meetings
  • Lectures for courses
  • Presentation pitches for large companies
  • Contractor interviews, merger meetings and partnership meetups
  • Training days
  • Collaboration Space

Fundamentally conference rooms are safe spaces to meet confidentially and an area where you and your team can get creative. 

Board Meetings

Thousands of businesses around the UK hold monthly board meetings to discuss business operations and the ext strategic moves to make.

The last 2 years have meant these meetings have been suspended, delayed, or moved online, which has brought its own problems.

Now that things have returned to some normality, these meetings can go ahead again, and many businesses have continued to remain online. However, for those who still prefer the in-person meetings, it is a sunk cost to continue paying for facilities that they are only using once a month. 

By hiring a board room as a one-off, you’ll get a comfortable, ready to use, neutral environment that will help make those difficult decisions that little bit easier. 


Another huge change we’ve seen in recent times is people learning new skills taking up courses to better their careers and knowledge. 

First Aid and Health and Safety courses appear as one of the most common courses people want to partake in. 

Conference rooms are the perfect place to host educational and informative lectures on a topic of your choice. Conference rooms like West Yorkshire Manufacturing Services allow the layout to be interchanged, making the room more open allowing more movement and interaction. 

Presentation Pitches

Whether you’re presenting a new idea to the team or need £100k funding from investors, you’ll need a professional yet relaxing environment for your presentation. 

Having ample space with a presentation stand, microphone and project can help take your presentation to the next level.

Interviews and Meetings

If you are looking at signing up for a £1 million+ contract, the last thing you’d want is a poor internet connection and a cramped space.

A lot is going on in interviews and essential meetings; note-taking, new ideas, difficult questions to navigate. Being in a comfortable space like a conference room can keep people more relaxed, the use of projectors, whiteboards for mind mapping and extra tables for teas, coffees, and most importantly, biscuits. 

Training days

Like lectures, training days can benefit from conference rooms by moving the tables to one side or out entirely. This gives the whole floor to explore whatever training you are providing. This could be retail training, equipment training, support training, whatever it is, these spaces have the room to cater to all.

Collaboration Space

As simple as a collaboration space is, it is in high demand at the moment for home workers, who need a day away, whether it’s weekly, monthly, bi-monthly. Collaboration spaces are great in helping to bring colleagues together to discuss ideas and get away from the homeworking sounds of the washing machine and next door’s newest DIY project. 

Conference rooms can provide a safe and creative space to work independently or as a group.

Here at WYMS, we have a range of rooms and offices perfect for your creative and professional needs. For more information, contact the team today.

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